martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Differences between men and women

Women and men are different, but I think that no one is better than other, but they just have different qualities and skills that make some differences in the way to do some things.
Men, in my opinion, are more objectives in the way to face the life. I think that is the reason why they are more successful in fields like science and engineering.  They don’t think about other distracters and have the skill to separate one thing from another (like the job from the family). However, in this times, more men are successful in fields that we were used to see women, especially in the social and humanist area, where is necessary be a little more sensitive.
On the other side, women are more perceptive and emotional. We don’t have the skill to separate the things in our lives. We are always worried about something related whit our personal life and it have repercussions on our labor or student life.  Is necessary say that some women manage this theme in a better way than other ones. I think that the famous phrase “I think, then I exist” is very applicable for women, because we are always thinking about all the consequences and all the people before do something.