martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011

A song from the past

I always remember when I was child, every weekend my dad put out loud music when he and my mom were cleaning the house. I guess he is the fan number one of the band “The Police”, and it was what I heard every weekend. “Wrapped around your finger” is the name of the song that I usually sang with my dad, and we used to take some brooms and we play them like a guitar. I think that then I had six or seven years old and while we were singing, my mother was taking some pictures. It reminds me good times, because at these days I had no more worries than eat and smile, and everything else was concern of my parents.
Today The Police is one of my favorite bands, even though they have separated. I think that good music should not be forgotten. Now that I’m bigger I can understand what I was singing when I was child, because then I just said things in a strange language (My own strange English). Now I’m still listening to the song and I love the music video where Sting is singing and jumping between hundreds of burning candles.

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